Speaking of Tom. I was able to critique his performance on M&A last Wednesday on air. I thought I was fair (by 'fair' I mean a complete asshole). Hopefully Tom will browbeat Scott (The producer of the M&A show) into podcasting his appearance so I can link it.

Robert Ehrlich lost the gubernatorial election last week in the great state of Maryland. I have never been more disappointed in a state's electorate than I was this past Tuesday. I realize that any competent Democrat will win a Maryland election as they hold a 2:1 advantage in registered voters, but I can't remember a time when someone was less deserving of losing their job. I'm not going to get into all the great things Ehrlich has done for this state as people have been able to successfully spin every positive into something bad or dumb luck, but our new governor has run the city of Baltimore like a lemonade stand. Basically every metric by which you measure a city O'Malley has failed. We are in the top 5 (or bottom 5 depending on how you look at it) in intravenous drug use, HIV positive residents, murder, violent crime, quality of life (as study that took incidence of heart disease and stress related illness with violent crime statistics), education (Oprah is basically here every week doing a show in one of the Baltimore city school), we have a 40% graduation rate in Baltimore City High Schools...there's more. Much more, but you can just watch 'The Wire' if you are still on the fence. Now as usual, people will argue that none of this is O'Malley's fault, circumstances beyond his control are the cause. Fine, but DON'T PROMOTE HIM! Let him finish the job. I find it hilarious that our 2+ billion dollar surplus Ehrlich gets no credit for (increased tax revenue based on escalating property value) and for the current state of the City of Baltimore, O'Malley receives no blame. Normally I would say, ''serves you right'', but I live here.

I hate you people.

Every two years people are encouraged to get out and vote. I'm here to tell you, ''Please don't''. I voted for only 3 offices this past Tuesday? Why? Because I was completely uninformed about the background and platform of the candidates in the other races. When I see, during a major election, that there is 10% undecided 3 days before time to vote I cringe. Really people? You haven't decided yet? Well I'm sure you'll be pouring through documents and briefs over the next 3 days to make sure you can make a decision that aligns closely with your own beliefs. Or, more likely, you'll be reacting to the last campaign add you watched as you leave for work on Tuesday morning.

Nothing will make me happier than being wrong about O'Malley. Again, I live here.